Hey Megan! My friend Teri Leigh recommended your newsletter to me. I'm so glad she did. I feel your style is so distinct and brilliant from everybody else's and I just wanted to recognize you for the genius you are here in the comments. What you've done creating this distinct style is monu-fucking-mental. Keep fucking going!

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Tom, you are incredible for giving Megan her flowers, and I could not agree with your sentiment MORE. She's in a league of her own and this letter only gets better. This right here is why I love Substack. Happy Weekend everyone!

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I’ve read quite a few of those books. And you make me laugh.

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Haha I think we’re sharing a brain 🧠 🤣🤣. The “guru” section in my bookshelf is obscenely beefy, I too am a rule follower AND weirdly resistant to authority AND at the age of 42, I’m only just beginning the journey (sorry for that word 🤢) to trust myself! I NEVER trusted myself before. I always deferred to others for wisdom and decisions. The really hard part for ppl like us is that you have get really quiet and still (NO! NEVER! WHAT IF WE FEEL SOMETHING?!). You have to get out of your head (NOT THE SOURCE OF WISDOM) and into your body. Then you have to trust what you feel. Tight and clenchy? Bad. Open and curious? Gooooood. ❤️

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How is it you still surprise me?

I’m not Catholic but I might just cross myself for good measure, Christ.…..I have always had that thought in the back of my mind….when others say cross your fingers… I secretly wish to be catholic so I could cross my self…..you think God cares if I’m not?

Feels way stronger sentiment t then crossing fingers for good luck. Silly me…. I went down a whole other rabbit hole. lol, you do you Meg ….Hugs Di

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Megan, I only know one guru, and it's you. Follow your own guru, the one inside you—there's nothing else in this world worthy of following. Trust yourself above anything or anybody else. Trust yourself, or I will be ashamed and unfollow you, and the world will panic, the stock exchange will crash, World War III will begin, and aliens with seven sexual organs will invade us to perpetrate all sorts of dirty and filthy things with our brains, annihilating any remnants of human intelligence—if that ever existed. So please, trust your inner guru.

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Hello Megan,

As a former guru (please note my 3-word bio to validate my credibility), I have just one piece of advice for you. This tip will likely save your life one day. I see you salivating on the edge of your seat, but please don't get ahead of me. No, it's not the Golden Rule which states, "Do unto others before they do it to you". It's a rule you can follow even in your darkest of moments. "Stay out of dark alleys!" You're welcome...

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Plus, being a guru doesn't mean being a good person. Or does it? When I was a pain in the lives others would be so proud to give me the boot as soon as anyone else said anything about me. That's became my truths as they saw me. But I saw everything and then gave nothing to do with my voice being silenced years ago till the new season was the one that's no longer letting anyone know. Now I'm well aware and also don't care. thanks for the same reason as always being the best but not letting anyone else in while being more and less. Just take care and safety netting for all but the one who gave it till nothing left to give.

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I stumbled upon this and had a good time reading. Thanks for being a rule breaking lady with co- dependency being the insulin Ive had to shoot into my stomach since 12. Also, makes me feel the need to be a planner for the life I'm living with the ability to keep going after the reactions. Wonderful to see how the rest of the people live.

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