I love your connecting confidence to authenticity. I think that’s gonna help me! I never feel confident, but I know I’m a million percent authentic (also bad at math) so that must mean I actually AM confident! Fuck yeah!
Hahahahahahahaha omg. Best introduction to a newsletter ever!! I was dying with all the swearing and I absolutely loved how the main point and the actual C-word had absolutely nothing to do with the swearing. Oh god 🤣 still dying from how amusing that was.🤣🤣
Girl. Can I just say, reading this newsletter in particular has actually helped inspire more confidence in me for myself. I do very much relate to how your brain thinks and communicates, and I so enjoy reading your writing. And it was like… oh shit. If I feel that way about her writing, then that must mean that it’s possible other people could feel that way about mine.
Anyway… I am curious as to what happened in those days in between writing?! 👀 Is that something you will share?
Ha! I think you got there in the end. Through all the feels. So I just want to validate the NOT FAKING it thing. Because the minute you write you are a writer. That’s REAL. There’s no definition “you are only a writer once you make x dollars a year at writing”. What kind of bullshit would that be? If you do it then you are someone who does it. There’s no FAKE involved.
So I’m a writer and artist and business owner and mother and dancer and if some of those make $0 doesn’t change squat.
Okay megan. Some weeks I don't comment at all, other weeks you really drag a long letter out of me. But this one will be short.
So you curse and swear? Big deal. Not likely very many thin-skinned fundamentalist christians, are going to be reading your comments anyway. So fuck them. If I may put on their attitude:
"So you swear a lot. Sure, I'm offended! What else have you got?"
Seriously Megan, we love you. And look forward to this every Friday.
I really love how you mention being a different person from the time you wrote the rough draft. I completely resonate. And it's true. The act of writing changes us. Every. Single. Time.
I had the worst cunt fucking day yesterday, still having it. Reading this was just what the doctor fucking ordered!
Cunts, fucking cunts, both of them!
End Transmission
I love your connecting confidence to authenticity. I think that’s gonna help me! I never feel confident, but I know I’m a million percent authentic (also bad at math) so that must mean I actually AM confident! Fuck yeah!
Hahahahahahahaha omg. Best introduction to a newsletter ever!! I was dying with all the swearing and I absolutely loved how the main point and the actual C-word had absolutely nothing to do with the swearing. Oh god 🤣 still dying from how amusing that was.🤣🤣
Girl. Can I just say, reading this newsletter in particular has actually helped inspire more confidence in me for myself. I do very much relate to how your brain thinks and communicates, and I so enjoy reading your writing. And it was like… oh shit. If I feel that way about her writing, then that must mean that it’s possible other people could feel that way about mine.
Anyway… I am curious as to what happened in those days in between writing?! 👀 Is that something you will share?
Ha! I think you got there in the end. Through all the feels. So I just want to validate the NOT FAKING it thing. Because the minute you write you are a writer. That’s REAL. There’s no definition “you are only a writer once you make x dollars a year at writing”. What kind of bullshit would that be? If you do it then you are someone who does it. There’s no FAKE involved.
So I’m a writer and artist and business owner and mother and dancer and if some of those make $0 doesn’t change squat.
Okay megan. Some weeks I don't comment at all, other weeks you really drag a long letter out of me. But this one will be short.
So you curse and swear? Big deal. Not likely very many thin-skinned fundamentalist christians, are going to be reading your comments anyway. So fuck them. If I may put on their attitude:
"So you swear a lot. Sure, I'm offended! What else have you got?"
Seriously Megan, we love you. And look forward to this every Friday.
Don't let us down!
Fuck yes 🤌
Keep keeping it real ... it's the only option
I truly enjoy seeing someone talk like I talk. Not intentional just natural.
I really love how you mention being a different person from the time you wrote the rough draft. I completely resonate. And it's true. The act of writing changes us. Every. Single. Time.
You are so sweet, lovely lady