You won't regret watching Fleabag, it's brill. Also, let's talk about everything else soon ❤️

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Fleabag is sooooo good!! I binge watched it all in one weekend.

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OMG yay this is FANTASTIC NEWS because I will be in very low spirits once the Olympics end 😂😂

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Same!! One of the very few shows I binged the crap out of

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I then stalked Phoebe Waller-Bridge and watched everything she ever appeared in. I want her to be my sister.

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Hahaha okay I didn't go that far 😂

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Yay, and yes!!! 🥰🥰

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I listened to your newsletter on the built in audio (generic, deadpan female voice) on 1.2x audio while deep cleaning out living room floor of all remaining pet hair and bodily fluids left by my recently over-the-rainbow-bridge pup. Yesterday was shitty. Today I am experiencing similar sweat issues. And all the feels of losing a sweet pooch. Oh, and my inbox now shows that my unemployment claims of the last four weeks are “still in review”—the unemployment office guy told me it could be 13 weeks of waiting for my measly benefits. So, yeah, I hear ya sista! Thanks for the laughs and reminding me that beer is a seasickness cure. Long live Adam and his tales! We escaped cheeseheads need to stick together, probiotics in the yogurt or not.

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!!!! So many things.

First. Bloody hell. I hope you get your unemployment benefits straight away!!! Money stress = terrible. Almost gives me butt hives! Second. 🥺 I'm so sorry about your pooch!! Hugs! 💛

Third. Omg thank you for opening me up to listening to this on generic voice over, was 1 million percent the laugh I needed right now 🥹😂😂😂 Dead. Hahahah.

Fourth. Thank you so much for listening/commenting and being here. 🥰 And, stay cool!!! 😅

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My favorite was “Fuck. Fuck. … FUUUUCCCCKKK” 🤣

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Same. HILARIOUS 😂😂😂😂

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CB, I jumped to your profile, then your linked Facebook author page. As I mentioned on your FB post about bidding farewell to Izzi, angels masquerade as pups. They teach us how to lovr and let go. I'm just a lousy student.

My heart goes out to you, CB.

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Thanks for your kind words! (And for diving in beyond my comment😊) This angel-less house is too quiet now.

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Yeah, I get it, CB. Whenever we laid a kid to rest, our waiting period before rescuing another has narrowed to a few days. Visit the animal shelter or human society. If it's time, one will let you know.

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I “liked” your reply and then instantly thought “oh shit you shouldn’t like a reply when someone just shared some sadness.” I don’t like that part.

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It's okay. I get it. I've done that myself. When I posted a slideshow on my personal social profiles, I asked for no comments, just hearts. Sometimes words from others are hard to read and just having the "heart" is enough to know that someone saw it--thought of me. So thanks for the heart (and the comment).

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Thank you for the shout Megan. If your ex makes a run for Spain, hit me up and I'll hit him up. Massive hug to you and the little one and for what it's worth, good on ya for sharing this. World needs more voices like yours.

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Thank you so much!! 💛 Means a lot. And if my ex ends up in Spain, you will be the first to know. 😂

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URGH I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that. You're a hero and I bet your kiddo is an absolute credit to you. I wish I had some actual helpful advice, but I'm rooting for you and If I come across anyone who needs so much as a bio written I am sending them your extremely talented way!!! 🤍🤍🤍

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Gemma thank you SO much for this absolutely heart-warming comment.🥹 It truly means so much!!! 🥰🥰🙏

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Team Megan kick... 3, 2, 1 GOOO 💪💪🦶🦾🦿

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Once again Megan… so much truth and goodness in this post. I hate sweat. Soooo much. I actually switched to only wearing black clothes so no one can ever see me sweat. True story. I even have black boots, black leggings and ten black shirts. Kids are expensive but I think I spend more on my cats (don’t tell my kid though, he thinks he is my favorite). And I should just carry beer in the car for moments that Adam gets dizzy. Once he walked to the end of a short fishing dock, turned around and when he got to dry land he literally fell over sideways. Yet he still dreams of getting a boat…! Hang in there lady…you are going to figure out how to navigate all this bullshit like a champion.

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💛💛💛 YES TO BLACK CLOTHES! If I’m out in a scary social situation it is a NECESSITY 🫣😂😂

Hahaha I will not tell anyone 😽 Kids, cats, all expense! 😅

Omg that dock walking story is hilarious!! 😂 But also, poor Adam! And, smart wife for keeping that beer handy! hehehe.

Thank you so very much for the encouraging words, means a lot!! 🥰

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Aug 7Liked by Megan Lee


Yougurt eat black cherry probiatic small container every day for lungh!

Brand.... whats that....lol YESY I am nervous a shell the next 2 weeks I have events 2 signings and with my writers group we have to peddle our selves and our anthology...

Not so sure I can help but becoming a paid subscriber might... ASK For that... You deserve it...

Signing up now...

EX's are the worst- Mine took away my visiting rights by moving and not staying in touch then told my kids I was sick- because he didn't wnat his kids turning gay - like it was contagious- dah!!!!!!

anyway... blessings dear one WRITE On!

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Diana… I am always and without fail smiling every time I read a comment from you! 🥰

First, what are we gonna do when the Olympics are over?!?! 😭😭😭 I’m pre-sad already 😂

Second, OMG, yes scary! AND - soooo excited for you!!! GO YOU!!! 💥💥

Third, 🤯 → 😭→ 🫶 I’m practically wordless! Thank you for being here, and supporting my writing. It truly means the WORLD to me and I am trying not to flash the neighbors in my excitement 😂😂😂 Thank you!!!!! 😍😍

Fourth, wow… that is truly awful and I’m so very sorry you had to go through that. 💔💛 Sending love your way!

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Thank you, Megan. First of all, I love the way you write, so lively, as though we were all your friends gathered in a little Café and you were telling us about your life in a hilarious way. About the sweaty issue, I’ve washed my daughter’s bedroom walls yesterday and can assure you that, though I was only wearing a bathing suit, their was definitely a wild torrent running wild in my boobs’ gorge so I so get what you mean! About child support, I will never understand why some, unfortunately quite a lot actually, men don’t understand that once you create a child, how involuntary you did it, you are responsible for their well-being for as long as you live, not as a burden but either out of love or, at least, to show the kind of person you want to be in the world: a bloody childish coward or a full time human being! My father belongs to the first category up until this day, unfortunately. I hope it will get easier for you financially pretty soon and sends you stocks of love.

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🥰 Thank you so much for reading and writing this lovely comment! I love the idea of having you all gathered in a cafe, sharing shit over sips and scones!!! Oh my, yes, damn boob gorge sweat 😂😂 Also! Props to you for washing your daughter’s walls! I shan’t tell you how often I wash my daughter’s walls 🫢😂 And I know… it’s so tragic how someone who contributed to making that child be on earth… can just “peace out!!” 😤 I’m so sad your father was one of them. 💔

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That's a lot on one page. Your writing style is so engaging and (adopts a high end art dealer voice) authentic. But nah it really is. You have real courage to share as you do. Keep on keeping on. Obstacles at all angles by the sound of it. My daughter trampolines so similar stuff going on here too on the whole amateur athletics scene (except maybe the sweat bit!) Take it easy and keep truckin'

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Ahh thank you so very much for this lovely comment!!! 💛 High end art dealer voice, love it 😂😂😂 hahahah. Oh yes, I’m so glad you feel my dilemma with kids and athletics! And, I shall keep on keeping on! 💕

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Megan, first of all, thank you for mentioning my article. Beer really does help seasickness, airsickness, and carsickness. At least for me haha.

Second of all, your ex sounds awful. @klrockwell and I need 3x the income we made together to raise our son, and he STILL lives with us. Here's wishing the child support court smiles upon you. Remember, you can always get his wages garnished if he has any. And there's no shame in it. I'm so mad right now. Wishing you the best in this! -Adam

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So welcome, I loved it!! 🙌 And how could I not share such helpful tips about beer! 🍺 😄

And thank you so much for your kind words! 💛 Kids are expensive!!! 😅😂 I shall keep on the courts behinds about this! 👏

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Okay, hear me out: GO PAID. Megan. You can turn on an option to all subscribers to pay or remain free for those who can't afford a monthly payment. I know, it induces major amounts of shame-y imposter syndrome for us spiritually-evolving minions, but you are SO worth it (BACK ME UP HERE DEAR READERS) Ask, and allow us to deliver!!

Your writing is top tier. I'm talking the shelf that lives as close to the ceiling as possible. I need the sliding ladder to climb up and BASK in the glow of your words.

I don't have the wild-ex. But I do have divorced parents who played ALL the games. Don't let this guy hold you, OR your baby girl down bc of dolla-dolla billz.


You are worth 2.99 million, x 100 billion dollars MORE than he could ever cough up. (I too, am great with the numbers).

Your work here is cherished.

My highest-most-evoloved-self, is tapping yours, on the shoulder with sage & money-bags.

It's time!


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I am grappling for words right now (WHICH DOESN’T HAPPEN OFTEN)…So I will start with this…

QUEEN! 💎 What did I do to deserve your absolutely DAZZLING(!!!) soul?!?!?🥹🥹🥹

I am quite simply GLOWING with love after reading this comment. You are simply delightful. 💖

Thank you for this comment. Thank you for your beautiful wisdom. Thank you for saying the scary parts out loud (p-p-paid?! the shame!) Thank you for your cheering. Thank you for being you!!!!! 🫶🥹❤️‍🔥😍🐞💛

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You just filled my cup ALL THE WAY up!!!! 🥹😭🪄🌷♥️

Removing the blocks we’ve built around receiving Love is one of my raison d’être. It’s a hard mission to be on- esp in the crusty corporate world.

Then there’s sparks of Light like you, and it feels easy and natural. I owe substack my soul for some of the connections crafted here.

YOU HAD ME CRYIN at p-p-pay 😂😂

Another brilliant stacker here- his name is Alex C… he wrote SUCH A CONVINCING article about why he was going Paid, and how to do it while simultaneously staying Free… I’ll find it and share back. You MUST lay eyes on it.


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Cup runneth over, over here too!!! 🥰🥰

Receiving comes as naturally to me as doing a triple backflip 🙈😂 So. I FEEL THIS.

And yet… like you say, it’s this beautiful community that starts to warm our souls 🥰

Ooh yes, I would LOVE to see that article!!! 🙏

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Great read! II hope your ex stress gets sorted. Absolutely recommend Fleabag too

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Thank you so much for reading and leaving this lovely comment!! 💛💛 Yay for Fleabag rec too!!

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One more thing. Poker would be THE best Olympic game. Individual and team sports!

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OOOH, yes!! With you as our American star!!! 🥵

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WHOOPS, wrong emoji slipped out 😂😂 meant to be this one -> 😍 hahaha

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Sh*t happens, Megan! Especially with our fast-acting fingers 😂😂 Imagine what happened when I intended to fold online but I tapped the raise button! CRAP sandwich

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😂😂 oh no!!! Not a crap sandwich!!! 🤣🤣

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I'm pondering how to shift frequency from wishing him unwell to seeing him being a full-fledged supporter.

Hmm... Got nothing.

I still envision kicking him in the nuts. 💥

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HAHAHAH… yassss. I am team nut kicking 😂😂

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Yay! Team Nut Cracker 😁

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The biggest blessing about having two ex's is my decision to bear no children when I was 6yo. Your wee one is so lucky to have you as her mom, Megan!

The sperm donar is such an asshole. To abandon his seedling is unforgivable.

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Love the blessing reframe!!! Hell yes!

And, thank you SO much for saying so. 🥹🥹

It’s so so so tragic that some people abandon their offspring. Crazy.

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< Sigh > Sometimes I wonder if abandonment might be a blessing in itself... Better to have them out of their lives...

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I think about that too! 😒

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Girl, you should’ve slapped a trigger warning on this bad boy for two reasons:

1. Field hockey. I have PTSD from having my shins gored on the elementary school field. But good luck in your Olympic bid (I won’t be watching but you have my full support).

2. Child support. I also have PTSD from an ex who sounds eerily similar to yours. He quit his job (where he earned more than twice what I did) in an attempt to get ME to pay HIM. Of course the judge scoffed at him but it was a load of financial stress that no single mom needs. I feel for you. Karma will get him.

Thanks for another entertaining read. Keep it up 😊

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😂😂 omg I love everything about this comment, well, you know, except for the shitty-ness of bad ex-es gored shins!! 😳

I love your commitment to not watching the Olympics AND your cheering vibes. Tis everything. 🥰

DAMN. Some humans be terrible. Yep that does sound earily similar to something my ex would do, and awful...! So sorry you had to go through all of that. 😭

Single mom's are strong af.

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What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger 💪

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100% agree!!! I wouldn't trade the hard shit I've gone through for what it taught me and where it's led me.

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