Your shame bitch does the same sneaky shit my eating disorder bitch does. She's here for a visit and I am NOT ok with it lol

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😩 I hate it!!

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Yes it resonates. I notice my phone messing around gets way higher when I'm tired, sad or stressed (as does my food consumption). Conventionally slightly viewed better than alcohol and drugs but still filling a very similar need. Thanks for the confessional it was certainly something I can see in myself at times. I am finding some success in not taking my phone out of the house a lot as a very basic approach to cutting down it. Thanks for writing I just subscribed.

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Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts! 🙏🏼💛 (And so glad you're part of the Oops crew!! 😄) I completely agree that "phone addiction" is not nearly stigmatized the same way alcohol or drugs are, which I feel is good and bad lol. Stigmas aren't helpful but also, I feel like we *should* be talking more about how addictive phones can be. I think leaving the phone at home more is an excellent idea! 🙌🙌

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You should read Stolen Focus by Johann Hari! Great book on anything focus and phone addiction!!

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So weird my reply comment didn't post! Anywho, THANK YOU 💛 I will absolutely check out this book rec, sounds fantastic 🙏🏼🙌

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Jun 8Liked by Megan Lee

This definitely resonates with me. I've tried to add those iPhone "timers" on Twitter/Insta but you can just dismiss their notifications.. so it's pointless. Idk, I've noticed my attention span is worse now, and I'm trying to do things like get outside more, socialise, read, meditate. The itch is always there, though.

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Yes! Or turning off notifications to "not get distracted" only to go on the app itself to see if there was any notifications you missed. 🙄 so you're deff not alone!! 💛 here's figuring it out! Lol

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deletedJun 13Liked by Megan Lee
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🥹 thank you for this lovely comment!!! Ahh, it WAS scary to write this, but you know what, I’m SO glad I didn’t let fear stop me! And I’m so glad that YOU are going to write your bitchy sob story, too!!! 😂💛 Tell the bitch in your head that says “noo, that’s too vulnerable or too shameful to write about” that Megan says to FUCK OFF! 🙌

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deletedJun 9Liked by Megan Lee
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Hahah thank you for this comment!!🙌😂 I feel understood! 🤣 Here's to future passionate rants (with less screen time)! Lol 🙌

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